A bit about our butter

We make butter each week from our own fresh cream.  Every Monday night we allow the milk in our bulk tank to separate by leaving the agitator off overnight.  On Tuesday mornings, all the milk (usually between 115 and 180 gallons) has separated and the skim milk is on the bottom with the cream on …

Dry-cured sausage… food of luxury and rugged durability thoughts from Matthew Ball

What goes better with an old gnarly piece of Maggie’s than a hunk of fermented and dry-cured sausage? In my mind nothing at all, but a nice crisp sour apple may complete the triumvirate of my palate. On Friday, with the help of my best friend and cheesery extraordinaire, Suzy, I delved into the art …

Transition Time on the Farm

The late winter/early spring is a transition time of year for farm labor.  This is the time when many small farms are bringing on new apprentices and gearing up for the season ahead.  Since we are a dairy farm and we milk cows and make cheese year-round, apprentices at Cricket Creek stay for a year. …

Spreading the cheese love at the NOFA conference.

This year, at the annual conference of the Massachusetts chapter of the Northeast Organic Farming Association, I led a workshop about farmstead cheese production.  I was a bit nervous before the workshop because I hadn’t prepared much and I was told to expect a large turnout.  The first few participants who showed up were cheese makers …