Well, they’re not officially retired yet, but our laying hens have voluntarily gone done to part-time production. They just don’t lay like they used to! Therefore, we have decided that we can’t keep the older flock, and are offering live birds for sale for $3 each. See below for suggested uses…

What to do with a live hen? You can keep her around for part-time egg production, keep her for entertainment, or kill her to use as a stew bird or to make chicken stock! Many great options. These beautiful birds lived free-ranging around the farm eating grub, grass, cheese bits, and drinking some of the pig’s whey.
If you decide to eat her: their bones and connective tissue are loaded with calcium and trace minerals, the gelatin is excellent for joint health and bone density, and a soothing broth aids in digestion. If you are trying to eat well on a tight budget, stew hens are a frugal and nutritious option!
Please let us know if you are interested by emailing:info@cricketcreekfarm.com.