After years of discussing the possibility, we finally have glass milk bottles at Cricket Creek Farm.

There are several reasons to use glass – the main one being that glass bottles are reusable. We go through a lot of plastic jugs.
Glass also looks great, and is a big part of the history of dairy production.
Initially glass bottles will only be available to members of our new winter CSA. Glass provides some logistical challenges for us. They are heavy and bulky, and after being washed need to be stored in a sanitary and accessible space. At this point we do not have the facilities to accomodate the many hundreds of bottles needed for all our customers.
Our hope is to transition entirely to glass over the next six months, but it will require some creativity and possibly new construction. So for the time being we can get going on a more limited basis with the CSA.

Great! Does this mean that we can buy CC raw milk again?
Not quite. If all goes well we should have milk available on Saturday, but we are waiting on a state inspection of a new system, so sometimes things take longer. We will post info on the site as soon as we have milk, and also feel free to call the farm and check!
As you know I’ve been waiting (and begging) for this! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
nice looking bottles, topher.
*waves from London*
Love the look of your bottles. Starting a herd-share program in CO, and would love to know who is supplying your labeled bottles and lids!