Holiday Farmers Markets!

Last weekend were the Berkshire Grown Holiday Farmers Markets in Great Barrington and Williamstown.  They were both a huge success.  It was fun to see all our fellow Berkshire farmers and share our cheese, baked goods, and meat with so many people.  We will be attending the Berkshire Grown Holiday Markets in December as well …

Fergie’s New Calf

Yesterday afternoon, we discovered a small shape hiding next to Fergie in the corner of the barn. Without a bit of a fuss, Fergie had calved a beautiful heifer calf two days early! By the time we found her, the new calf was already licked clean and was fluffy and dry. Fergie stood patiently while …

Raw Milk is Back

We once again have raw milk for sale in our Farm Store! We will keep the fridge well-stocked, but if you are coming to buy more than five gallons, we recommend that you call ahead so we can be sure to have milk for you.

Glass Milk Bottles!

After years of discussing the possibility, we finally have glass milk bottles at Cricket Creek Farm. There are several reasons to use glass – the main one being that glass bottles are reusable. We go through a lot of plastic jugs. Glass also looks great, and is a big part of the history of dairy production. …