2nd Annual Composted Cow Manure Sale
Saturday, May 11* 10:00am to 4:00pm
Composted cow manure is a nutrient-rich addition to your yard or garden and wouldn’t you know, our cows keep on producing it! We are excited to share another of our herd’s output with the community so you can green your pastures too.
PRE-BAGGED: $8 – 40LB Bags available in front of Farm Store while supplies last.
1-CUBIC YARD: $120 – Truckloads will only be accommodated on this date only. Truck-bed or trailer must exceed 7-feet long to accommodate our equipment for transporting into truckbed
Quality note: There may be bones and some weeds. Our compost is not sifted but is well-aged.
*Rain Date: May 18.
Jumping worms: We are monitoring and have not observed any jumping worms in our compost or anywhere on our farm, though we are aware of their prevalence in the region. As an added precaution we are using isopropyl alcohol (which is know to kill cocoons and worms) on our shoes and shovels to transport compost into bags.